Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

Current position

Administrative measures of auction

Chapter I General rules


第一条 为规范拍卖行为,维护拍卖秩序,推动拍卖业的对外开放,促进拍卖业健康发展,根据《线上电子游戏官网》(以下简称《电子pg游戏官网》)和有关外商投资的法律、行政法规和规章,制定本办法。


Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the auction activities conducted by auction enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China。 All commercial auction activities shall be conducted by auction enterprises established according to law。


第三条 本办法所称拍卖企业,是指依法在中国境内设立的从事经营性拍卖活动的有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。


Article 4 The Ministry of Commerce shall be the competent department of the auction industry and shall exercise supervision and administration over the auction industry throughout the country。 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府(以下简称省级)和设区的市人民政府 ( 以下简称市级 ) 商务主管部门对本行政区域内的拍卖业实施监督管理。


第五条 拍卖企业从事拍卖活动,应当遵守《电子pg游戏官网》及其他有关法律、行政法规、规章的规定,遵循公开、公平、公正、诚实信用的原则。


Chapter II Establishment, alteration and termination of auction enterprises


第六条 申请设立拍卖企业的投资者应有良好的信誉,无违反中国法律、行政法规、规章的行为。


Article 7 To establish an auction enterprise, the following conditions shall be met:
(1) having a registered capital of RMB 1 million or more;
(2) Having its own name, organizational structure and articles of association;
(3) having a fixed office space;
(5) Having auction business rules that comply with relevant laws, administrative regulations and these Measures;
(6) In line with the development plan of the auction industry of the competent department of commerce。


Article 8 To apply for the establishment of an auction enterprise, the following materials shall be submitted:
(1) An application form;
(2) the articles of association and auction business rules;
(3) The Notice of Pre-Approval of Enterprise Name issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce;
(4) Resume and valid identity certificate of the proposed legal representative;
(5) The practicing qualification certificate of the auctioneer to be hired and the relevant qualification certificate of the practitioner;
(6) Property rights certificate or lease contract of fixed office space;


第九条 拍卖企业从事文物拍卖的,应当遵循有关文物拍卖的法律、行政法规的规定。Articles confiscated by state administrative organs according to law,Articles for which taxes and fines have been charged and articles confiscated by the people's court according to law,充抵罚金、罚款的物品以及无法返还的追回物品和其他特殊国有资产等标的的拍卖应由具有相应拍卖资格的拍卖企业承担,具体资格条件由省级商务主管部门会同有关部门依据规范管理、择优选用的原则制定,And report to the Ministry of Commerce for the record。


Article 10 The name of an auction enterprise shall conform to the relevant provisions on the registration and administration of enterprise names。The industry expression in the name of the auction enterprise shall be indicated拍卖字样。


Article 11 An auction enterprise applying for the establishment of a branch shall meet the following conditions:
(1) Conform to the development plan of the auction industry;
(2) Passing the annual inspection;
(5) Having a fixed office space;


Article 12 For an auction enterprise to establish a branch, the applicant shall submit the following materials:
(1) The application report for the proposed establishment of a branch company;
(2) A copy of the business license of the enterprise legal person (photocopy);
(3) the annual financial and accounting statements audited by an accounting firm for the last two years;
(IV) Resume and valid identity certificate of the person in charge of the proposed branch;
(5) The practicing qualification certificate of the auctioneer to be hired and the relevant qualification certificate of the practitioner;
(6) Certificate of property rights or lease contract of fixed office space。


第十三条 设立拍卖企业及分公司,按照下列程序办理: 申请设立拍卖企业及分公司,应当先经企业或分公司所在地市级商务主管部门审查后,报省级商务主管部门核准并颁发拍卖经营批准证书。The applicant shall go through the registration formalities with the local administrative authority for industry and commerce with the approval certificate for auction operation。 The provincial competent department of commerce may adopt the hearing method for the establishment license of auction enterprises and branches。 The approval certificate of auction operation shall be uniformly printed by the Ministry of Commerce。


第十四条 拍卖企业向工商行政管理机关申请变更注册登记项目前,应当先报省级商务主管部门核准,并由其换发拍卖经营批准证书。


第十五条 拍卖企业及分公司自领取拍卖经营批准证书之日起,六个月内未领取营业执照,其拍卖经营批准证书自动失效。 拍卖企业及分公司成立后六个月未开业,或开业后连续六个月无正当理由未举办拍卖会或没有营业纳税证明的,由有关部门依法吊销其营业执照,商务主管部门收回拍卖经营批准证书。


第十六条 拍卖企业根据章程规定事由、股东会决议或其他事由解散的;或者因违反法律、行政法规及本办法规定被责令关闭的;或者因不能清偿到期债务,被依法宣告破产的,由有关部门依法注销。


Chapter III Establishment, alteration and termination of foreign-invested auction enterprises


第十七条 外商投资拍卖企业可以从事经营性拍卖活动,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。


第十八条 鼓励具有较强的经济实力、先进的拍卖技术和经营管理经验、广泛的国际拍卖营销网络的外国投资者设立外商投资拍卖企业。


第十九条 设立外商投资拍卖企业除应符合本办法第七条的规定外还应当符合下列条件:
(1) comply with the relevant provisions on the registered capital and total investment of foreign-invested enterprises;


第二十条 已批准设立的外商投资拍卖企业申请设立分公司的,除符合本办法第十一条外,还应按时参加外商投资企业联合年检并年检合格。


第二十一条 设立外商投资拍卖企业,申请人除提交本办法第八条规定的材料外 , 还应提交下列材料:
(1) Contracts, articles of association (foreign-funded auction enterprises only submit articles of association) and their attachments;
(2) Bank credit certificate and registration certificate of each investor (photocopy);
(3) The audit report of each investor for the most recent year audited by the accounting firm;


第二十二条 设立外商投资拍卖企业及分公司,按照下列程序办理: 申请人应向商务部报送第二十条规定的申请材料。商务部应自收到全部申请材料之日起在规定时间内作出是否批准的决定,对于批准设立的,颁发外商投资企业批准证书和拍卖经营批准证书,对于不批准的,应说明原因。 申请人应当自收到外商投资企业批准证书和拍卖经营批准证书之日起一个月内,向所在地工商行政管理机关办理登记手续。 The Ministry of Commerce may adopt the hearing method for the approval of the establishment of foreign-invested auction enterprises and branches。


第二十三条 外商投资拍卖企业向工商行政管理机关申请变更注册登记项目前,应当报商务部核准,并换发拍卖经营批准证书和外商投资企业批准证书。


第二十四条 外商投资拍卖企业及分公司成立后六个月未开业,或开业后连续六个月无正当理由未举办拍卖会或没有营业纳税证明的,由有关部门依法吊销其营业执照,商务部收回拍卖经营批准证书。


第二十五条 外商投资拍卖企业根据章程规定事由、股东会或董事会决议或其他事由解散的;或者因违反法律、行政法规及本办法规定被责令关闭的;或者因不能清偿到期债务,被依法宣告破产的,由有关部门依法注销。


Chapter IV auction practitioners and auction activities


第二十六条 国家对拍卖专业技术人员实行执业资格制度,获得拍卖师执业资格证书的人员,经注册后,方可主持拍卖活动。 本办法所称拍卖师是指经全国统一考试合格,取得人事部、商务部联合用印的,由中国拍卖行业协会颁发的《线上电子游戏官网》,并经注册登记的人员。


第二十七条 拍卖师只能在一个拍卖企业注册执业且不得以其拍卖师个人身份在其他拍卖企业兼职; 拍卖师不得将《线上电子游戏官网》借予他人或其他单位使用。


Article 28 An auctioneer may change his registered entity。拍卖师变更执业注册单位的,应当向中国拍卖行业协会办理注册变更手续。 中国拍卖行业协会应将拍卖师注册登记及变更情况每月定期报商务部备案。


Article 29 Auction of the following articles or property rights is prohibited:
(1) The sale is prohibited by laws and regulations;
(2) There is a dispute over the ownership or right of disposition, and the right has not been confirmed by a judicial or administrative organ;
(3) Goods under customs control that have not yet completed customs formalities。


Article 30 Auction enterprises shall carry out auction activities in accordance with law and shall not engage in the following acts:
(1) Leasing or unauthorized transfer of auction rights;
(2) false publicity of the auction target, causing economic losses to the buyer;
(5) other acts in violation of laws and regulations。


第三十一条 拍卖企业发现拍卖标的中有公安机关通报协查物品或赃物,应当立即向所在地公安机关报告。


第三十二条 竞买人委托他人代理竞买的,应当出具授权委托书和竞买人、代理人的身份证明复印件。 授权委托书应载明代理人的姓名或者名称、代理事项、代理权限和期间。


第三十三条 拍卖实施前,拍卖企业与委托人应当就拍卖未成交的有关事宜或因委托人中止或终止拍卖所造成损失的赔偿责任等事项达成书面协议。


第三十四条 对委托人送交的拍卖物品,拍卖企业应当由专人负责,妥善保管,建立拍卖品保管、值班和交接班制度,并采取必要的安全防范措施。


第三十四条 对委托人送交的拍卖物品,拍卖企业应当由专人负责,妥善保管,建立拍卖品保管、值班和交接班制度,并采取必要的安全防范措施。


第三十五条 拍卖企业举办拍卖活动,应当根据拍卖标的物的属性及拍卖的性质,按照《电子pg游戏官网》及相关法律、行政法规规定的日期进行公告。公告应当发布在拍卖标的所在地以及拍卖会举行地商务主管部门指定的发行量较大的报纸或其他有同等影响的媒体。


第三十六条 拍卖企业应当在拍卖会前展示拍卖标的,为竞买人提供查看拍卖标的的条件并向竞买人提供有关资料。 The display time should not be less than two days, except for fresh items or other items that are not easy to keep。


第三十七条 拍卖企业有权查明或者要求委托人书面说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。 An auction enterprise shall explain to the bidder the defects of the auction objects that it knows or should know。


第三十八条 法律、行政法规和规章对拍卖标的受让人有特别规定的,拍卖企业应当将标的拍卖给符合法律、行政法规和规章要求的竞买人。 拍卖标的是依照法律、行政法规和规章规定需要行政许可的经营资格且依法可以转让的,委托人应在拍卖前应当征得行政许可机关的同意。


第三十九条 拍卖企业可以在拍卖会现场设立委托竞买席,并在拍卖会开始时对全体竞买人作出说明。


Article 40 The auction shall be suspended under any of the following circumstances:
(1) No bidder participates in the auction;
(3) The client notifying the auction enterprise in writing to suspend the auction for legitimate reasons before the auction meeting;
(4) The auction cannot be carried out temporarily due to the occurrence of an accident;
(5) There are other circumstances that should be suspended according to law。
The suspension of the auction shall be announced by the auction enterprise。The auction shall be resumed after the cause of the suspension has disappeared。


Article 41 The auction shall be terminated under any of the following circumstances:
(2) the object of auction is identified as stolen goods;
(3) Force majeure or accidents cause the auction activities can not be carried out;
(4) The object of auction is damaged or lost before the auction;
(5) The client notifying the auction enterprise in writing before the auction meeting to terminate the auction;
(6) There are other circumstances that should be terminated according to law。
The termination of the auction shall be announced by the auction enterprise。After the termination of the auction, if the client requests to continue the auction, he shall go through the auction formalities again。


第四十二条 外商投资拍卖企业与内资拍卖企业联合在中华人民共和国境内举办拍卖会的,其拍卖标的应符合法律、行政法规及本办法的有关规定。


Chapter V Supervision and administration


第四十三条 商务部组织制定有关拍卖行业规章、政策,指导各地制定拍卖行业发展规划,依法建立拍卖业监督核查、行业统计和信用管理制度;负责拍卖行业利用外资的促进与管理;对拍卖行业自律组织进行业务指导。


第四十四条 省级商务主管部门负责制定和实施本地区拍卖行业发展规划,并将规划报商务部备案。 省级商务主管部门应建立本地区拍卖企业和从业人员的监督核查和行业统计及信用管理制度;负责设立拍卖企业和分公司的审核许可;管理与指导本地区的拍卖行业自律组织。 省级商务主管部门应当创造条件,建立与拍卖企业、其他有关行政机关计算机档案系统互联网络,对拍卖经营活动监督检查的情况和处理结果应当予以记录。Opinions on supervision and verification of auction enterprises shall be issued every year。对核查不合格的拍卖企业,应当责令限期整改,并将核查情况通报有关部门。


第四十五条 拍卖行业协会依法并根据章程,对拍卖企业和拍卖师进行监督。拍卖行业协会应当制定拍卖行业规范,加强行业自律管理,协调会员企业与政府有关部门及会员企业之间的关系,为会员企业提供服务,维护会员企业的合法权益。 中国拍卖行业协会在商务部的指导下,具体实施全国拍卖企业信用管理制度和组织拍卖师考试、考核和资格认定工作。


Chapter VI Legal liability


第四十六条 未经许可从事经营性拍卖活动的企业,应依照国家有关规定予以取缔。


第四十七条 拍卖师违反本办法第二十六条、第二十七条规定或有向监管部门隐瞒情况、提供虚假材料等其他违规行为的,The provincial competent Commerce Department may notify the China Auction Industry Association of its violation facts and handling suggestions,The China Auction Association shall deal with the auctioneers who violate the rules in accordance with the relevant provisions,并将处理结果在十个工作日内书面抄送拍卖师执业地省级商务主管部门和行业协会。


第四十八条 拍卖企业违反本办法第二十九条规定,对买受人造成损失的,拍卖企业应当给予赔偿;属于委托人责任的,拍卖企业有权向委托人追偿。


第四十九条 拍卖企业违反第三十条第(一)项,由省级商务主管部门责令其改正,并处三万元以下罚款。


第五十条 拍卖企业违反本办法第三十条第(三)项的规定,由省级商务主管部门视情节轻重予以警告,并处以非法所得额一倍以上的罚款,但最高不超过三万元;没有非法所得的,处以一万元以下的罚款。If any loss is caused to the client or the buyer, the auction enterprise shall pay compensation according to law。


第五十一条 拍卖企业违反本办法第三十条第(二)项、第(四)项规定的,由有关行政机关依法进行处罚。


第五十二条 拍卖企业违反本办法第三十五条、第三十六条规定,拍卖前违规进行公告或展示的,由省级商务主管部门视情节轻重予以警告,责令改正,延期拍卖或处以一万元以下罚款。


第五十三条 拍卖企业、委托人违反本办法第三十七条规定,未说明拍卖标的的瑕疵,给买受人造成损害的,买受人有权要求拍卖企业给予赔偿;属于委托人责任的,拍卖企业有权向委托人追偿。 拍卖企业、委托人在拍卖前声明不能保证拍卖标的真伪或者品质的,不承担瑕疵担保责任(以下简称免责声明)。但是拍卖企业、委托人明确知道或应当知道拍卖标的有瑕疵时,免责声明无效。


第五十四条 拍卖成交后,委托人没有协助买受人依法办理证照变更、产权过户手续,造成买受人或拍卖企业损失的,委托人应当依法给予赔偿。 委托人提出中止或者终止拍卖,给拍卖企业或者竞买人造成损失的,应当依法给予赔偿。


第五十五条 有下列情形之一的,省级商务主管部门或商务部可以撤消有关拍卖企业及分公司设立的许可决定:
(1) where a staff member abuses his power or neglects his duty in making a decision to approve the establishment;
(3) making a decision approving the establishment in excess of statutory functions and powers。


第五十六条 商务主管部门以及行业协会的工作人员在工作中滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、索贿受贿的,对负有责任的主管人员和直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


第五十七条 商务主管部门工作人员对在执行公务中获知的有关拍卖企业、委托人、竞买人、买受人要求保密的内容,应当按保密规定为其保密,造成泄密的,按有关规定处理。If an auction enterprise considers that the materials submitted to the administrative organ have confidential contents, it shall indicate them保密type-and-seal。


Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions


第五十八条 农产品批发市场、机动车交易市场等商品交易市场引入拍卖方式及利用互联网经营拍卖业务的管理,原则上参照本办法执行,具体办法另行制定。


Article 59 A wholly state-owned auction enterprise shall be restructured in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State。


Article 60 The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for the interpretation of these measures。


Article 61 These Measures shall come into force as of January 1, 2005。

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